
The benefits of massage speak for themselves. If you suffer from arthritis, headaches, stress, tired or sore muscles, or need to recover properly from a sports injury, this is where we can help.

Some benefits of massage therapy include:

  • Reduces stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Eliminates headaches
  • Relieves sore muscles and back pain
  • Increases white blood cells by 85%, thus dramatically decreasing illness
  • Improved circulation by the dilation of blood vessels, relieving congestion throughout the body
  • Increased lymph drainage by acting as a mechanical cleanser and hastening the elimination of waste
  • Induces relaxation that has a sedative, stimulating or even exhausting effect on the nervous system
  • Relieves mental and physical fatigue
  • Improves muscle tone by helping to prevent or delay muscular atrophy resulting from forced inactivity
  • Reduces muscle atrophy due to lack of exercise
  • Flushes the body of toxins and waste which supports the immune system
  • Promotes overall wellness
  • Assists in constipation and diarrhea
  • Increases metabolism assisting in weight loss

Massage therapy is a natural way to help ease your tensions of chronic pain associated with the muscles and nerves, and can help calm the mind from every day stresses; leaving your mind, body and spirit feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.  We can assist you with ailments such as: sciatic nerve pain, whiplash, headaches, and much, much more…